Fair in a Box

Fair in a Box

Congratulations! You want tools to help young people explore options for their future, to make good decisions now that will prepare them for the 21st century. The Dr. Nelson Ying Tri Region Science and Engineering Fair and its sponsors want to join you in that effort.

Fair in a Box is simply a gathering of tools and resources helping you to engage the community in launching a science fair. It may be through a school, an organization, a town or a county. With a science fair, caring adults encourage young people to consider seriously their own interests and talents, to learn more about how to prepare for their future. THAT IS IMPORTANT!

Overview: This memo is for someone who wants to know generally what Fair in a Box is about. Fair in a Box: Summary Memo


PowerPoint Show: The Introduction provides the overview including info re Ying TRSEF. It gets everyone on the same page. Part Two basically walks you through a poster fair, focusing on topic reports, although it could include kids who choose to experiments independently. Part Three opens the door to young people wanting to do actual experiments or engineering designs, though of course we encourage you to allow topic posters as well.

You have your choice of two formats:
(1) PowerPoint 2007 files that you can present as a slide show. Use the notes view to provide you with useful additional information or even to serve as your “talk”. Remember, you may well want to use only the Intro and Part Two; YOU be the judge. Intro Part Two Part Three
(2) PDFs that you can print or project as you wish, if you do not have access to PowerPoint 2007 or a later version. Project the Show PDF as you refer to the Notes PDF. (The notes format distorted photo files; your printer is NOT out to get you.)


Tool Box: These files are masters for the various items you might need for your fair. You will find fields ready and waiting for the name and date of your fair, local contact information … whatever makes this work well for you in your community.
* Community Commitment info sheet and form
* Handout about the fair to go home with every student
* Student Registration Form
* Invitation to come to the Fair.

* How to handle advancement to the regional fair

Advertisements and Press Information
* Press release to recruit community partners
* Calendar listing
* Press Release about what happened at the fair

Fair Day Materials
* Signs to use at the Fair

* Every student receives a Certificate of Participation
* Certificate for Advancement to the Ying TRSEF
* Certificate for Outstanding Poster
* Certificate for Best Poster
* Honors certificate for an experiment or engineering design
* High Honors certificate for an experiment or engineering design
* Highest Honors certificate for an experiment or engineering design
* Certificate for Adult Commendation
CLICK HERE to request the three FREE Ying TRSEF special awards – full color certificates in presentation folders will be mailed to you.


And remember, you can contact the Ying TRSEF with questions any time.
These simple-to-manage gatherings not only give students experience in how actually to do a science and engineering project, but also give their advocates (parents, teachers, youth leaders) the info they need to support the them in the process!


Useful overview information

Abstracts of Intel ISEF Finalists

The Ying TRSEF Video “Science Fairs: A Piece of the Puzzle” This 10-minute video introduces you to science fair students and mentors, judges and directors, even a corporate sponsor!

Homeschooling and Science Fairs for Middle School Students
Homeschooling and Science Fairs for High School Students

2011 Award Ceremony Program

Media coverage about the Ying TRSEF
or its outreach Family Science Adventure workshop

Binghamton Sun – Press Bulletin February 2011 feature article “Kids + Science = Success”

Ithaca Journal February 2011 op-ed “Science fairs foster love of learning in students”

Elmira Star Gazette February 2011 op-ed piece “Science fairs foster love of learning in students”

Herkimer Telegram article by Rob Juteau about Mohawk Valley teachers and GLOBE certification

Plattsburgh Press Republican article “Science fair changes lives

Buffalo News: May 18, 2009 ISEF Awards report about City Honors and Williamsville students

WIVB: May 5, 2009 story on TRSEF’s Finalists

Watertown Daily Times Family Science Adventure at Jefferson Community College

Family Science Adventure – Jamestown Community College

Action News 3 with Laura Hand: Story about Family Science Adventure in Syracuse (January 6, 2009 video no longer online – text clip only)

WRVO Radio interview about Family Science Adventure and science fairs, sharing with Upstate NY news about the impact of science fair involvement upon students and the wider community

Endorsements of the Ying TRSEF

Congressman Boehlert’s Endorsement Former Congressman and Ying TRSEF Honorary Chairperson Sherwood Boehlert

Congressman Arcuri’s Endorsement Congressman Michael Arcuri, 24th Congressional District

Congressman Hinchey’s Endorsement Congressman Maurice Hinchey, 22nd Congressional District

Congresswoman Slaughter’s Endorsement Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, 23rd Congressional District

NNYCF’s Endorsement Northern New York Community Foundation, our first Foundation sponsor, awarded a three-year development grant for the Ying TRSEF!

Background About Science & Engineering Education

2010 federal report “REVISITED: Rising Above the Gathering Storm” – executive summary

The STEM Crisis

Gathering Storm – Preface and Executive Summary of crucial report from the National Academies.

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