Rube Goldberg Machine Contest


New York State
Rube Goldberg Machine Contest
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
March 14-15, 2015

RGMC Divisions:
Division I: Middle school
Division II: High school
Division III: College

WHAT is a NYS Rube Goldberg Machine Challenge (RGMC)?

Teams of three (3) or more people invent and build Rube Goldberg Machines that feature as many “energy changes” as possible to do a simple task. This year we “ERASE A CHALKBOARD” via as wild and complex a route as you can devise. The funnier, the more it follows a theme, the more the judges love it!

WHY make a Rube Goldberg Machine?

Mostly for the fun … but probably you want to advance to National Competition, too.
AND you can use steps of your machine to compete at the regional science fair.

HOW MUCH does it cost to be an RGMC team?

The total fees total $200. First you register with the National Rube Goldberg office directly and download their National Handbook; they charge $150 per team. Then you register with the Ying TRSEF Rube Goldberg Machine Contests to lock in your place for state competition; our fee is $50. The Ying TRSEF fee not only gives up to four people Ying TRSEF RGMC t-shirts, but also every student will be our guest for the Ying TRSEF Pizza Party on Saturday evening. (Additional team members may purchase t-shirts; adults may buy “pizza tickets.”)

Note: You can have 200 people join the team and toss in a dollar each “for the good name of the school” – really great fun for your classmates, faculty and alumni! Just make sure at least three people actually work on the machine. Only three members including the Captain must attend the actual Contest. (Middle and high school teams also need an adult teacher/chaperone.)

WHERE and WHEN is the NYS Rube Goldberg Machine Contest?

Science and Technology Center (MAP)
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York

Saturday, March 14, 2015 FINAL Schedule
8:00 a.m. Sign-in and set-up begins
8:45 a.m. Team Leaders meeting
9:00 a.m. Judging rounds begin (open to public and media)
9:45 a.m. Live Skype Q&A with MicroTech CEO Tony Jimenez
4:00-6:00 p.m. Science fair set up at hotel
6:00-7:00 p.m. Pizza party at the hotel (students eat for free)

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Middle and High School RGMC students from the Ying TRSEF’s 25 counties will compete in the science fair. Feel free to use your machine project; we waive your science fair registration fee.
College/Adult Machine team members are encouraged to enjoy judging at Ying TRSEF.
9:30-11:00 a.m. Ying TRSEF judge training
11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Judging
4:30-6:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony for all competitions, including Machines

Recruiters and Judges

Please recruit teams and judges for this adventure! Simply contact Contest Director Douglas Hemphill of SUNY Oswego to find out how you can bring the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest to your campus or community, and email this LINK to everyone you know!


Rulebook for 2015 Rube Goldberg Machine Contest PDF
Ying TRSEF flyer PDF
Judge registration LINK

Great videos of other types of Rube Goldberg Machines:
Huge HONDA machine LINK
A music video unlike any other LINK

RGMC teams may take advantage of the science fair hotel arrangements (hotel will accept four per room and provide a free “grab and go” breakfast). HOUSING

Science Fairs

Students’ RGMC projects can easily be re-purposed as SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS – two competitions for one effort! Your team may want to break some tasks down so only 1-3 students design and construct a particular set of steps. Check out the rules of YOUR regional science fair for grade eligibility, size of teams, and protocols for engineering projects.

Register HERE for Rube Goldberg!

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