Theardis Martino becomes Paul Harris Fellow

Syracuse Inner City Rotary Club members and District 7150 honored Theardis Martino as a Paul Harris Fellow on May 1st at the District Conference.

YOU can still be part of the fun!

TheardisAfter his decades of dedicated work in Rotary and passionate service to the community, we celebrated him with a surprise!

Our members sold chocolates and sport sacks at the District Conference to earn money for our Foundation donation, but we have a ways to go to reach $1000 so his Fellowship is from our earnings, not points.

Everyone in District 7150 who knows this amazing man, his mentoring of rising Rotarians, and his wisdom on the many Boards he has served … ALL of you may now celebrate him with a gift to Rotary Foundation in his honor!

What’s next?

  1. Order packs and chocolates HERE.
  2. Click “PayPal” below to donate OR
    mail your check to Rotary Foundation to Cathy Scott, 4110 S. Salina St., Syracuse 13205.
  3. Share this URL with all who know what a treasure Theardis is.

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