Ying TRSEF Maker Overview

What is a Maker Hall and who comes there?

A Maker Hall celebrates the fun of creating, of using science and technology, of stretching our imaginations. Imagine a trade show with people saying, “We make widgets. Here’s our catalog.” NOW TRANSFORM IT! Instead every booth offers hands-on fun activities! Come take a quick look at some real Maker Halls!

Adventures already “deployed” by the Ying TRSEF and Terra MakerHalls

The Ying TRSEF stores these kits and manages their use.
If you borrow a kit, it includes guides and most materials.

Important note: Expect to provide consumables such as spaghetti, strawberries or marshmallows.

3-2-1 Puff
NASA hires a lot of people who are NOT astronauts. Start your own rocket research into propulsion!

Astronaut 101- Can you be faster and stronger?
Using actual astronaut training exercises, Makers explore fine and gross motor skills, balance, strength, speed!

Basketball Math
As sponsors of the annual Hoops for Peace, Syracuse Inner City Rotary Club really knows stuff about this sport. They invented this Adventure to stretch kids’ understanding of physics and math … and to help them sink a great shot.

Brackitz – Connecting Imaginations (LINK)
Brackitz is the only construction and building toy that actually lets kids design any structure they envision – anything! This one-of-a-kind Brackitz enable connections at any angle, allowing kids to use real-life architectural and engineering principles to create large-scale, gravity-defying, 3-D structures – with no limitations!

We’ve got the cutting boards, guides, test tubes … and strawberries! Let folks make their own “mess of chromosomes”!

Earthquake Zone – BEWARE!
With bags of Legos and DIY earthquake testers, this is one shaky site!

Eyewitnesses – useFUL or useLESS?
This kit has Makers create their own visual testing protocols … and discover the facts and fallacies of eyewitness testimony.

Float the boat!
With simple materials, build boats that can hold cargo without sinking. Lots of water, lots of mess, lots of fun!

Grampa’s not old. FOSSILS are old!
Invite kids and grownups to sort through gravel matrix and find their own fossils millions of years old!

Human Computer!
A local engineer designed a Maker Adventure that lets YOU be part of an actual “living computer” – and understand just how all that data gets processed!

Meet the Solar System
Central New York’s own NASA Solar System Ambassador hosts an Adventure that includes actual pieces of Moon and Mars!

Mind Games
From full-size Where’s Waldo and Eye Spy laminates to Sudoku and other games, participants can take a quiet moment and stretch their minds yet another way!

Moebius? Who’s Moebius?
From exploring the vanishing edges and sides to building a gym-size Moebius strip, this adventure is wild.

Music from … PVC!
A new design from Terra Science and Education, we bang and bop and bash the PVC pipes.

My future – my dream! (mixed age audiences)
I am the CEO of my career!
(for high school and college events)
Help create a wall-size mural of how all of our Makers imagine the future will look, or of how the artist will shape his/her future. Note: This makes a fine thank-you gift to the Maker Hall’s site host.

Observe – the earth, the stars
Syracuse Astronomical Society created an earth observation adventure that not only introduces you to telescopes and field glasses, but also the “how to’s” of real observation that you can apply to the stars.

Rocket Launch
Our CNS Space Day leaders created the launcher; you build the rocket and let her rip!

Save the lunar astronauts!
Using spaghetti, string and tape, raise the Lunar Signal high enough for the orbiter to find the Lunar Astronauts!

See It – Save It
Photos. CGI (Computer Generated Images). Videos. They all take what YOU imagine and save it to share your vision with others! Use the Maker Hall as your palette as you make YOUR OWN PIECE OF ART!

Space Rocks
Grab a hallway and some fuzzy dice to find out why a meteor is NOT a meteorite is NOT a meteoroid.

Spaghetti Engineering
And what can YOU build with linguini? Host an Adventure as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Just know that you’ll have a GREAT time!

STEM Ambassadors
Let’s add some sparkle to every event with wanderers, each with a STEM-related persona. You could meet Saturn or an asteroid, a quark or a bacterium – each ready with factoids and graphics so you leave knowing more than when you met!

STEM Gallery
You provide the painters’ tape, we provide over 100 laminated posters about all sorts of STEM topics. Even your entrance and hallways can scream STEM for every participant!

Not much point in going to Mars if we crash land the astronauts. What sort of lander would YOU design?

From your kit of safety glasses, work gloves, tools AND old machines, you’ve got all you need to find out what’s INSIDE coffee pots, clocks and all sorts of cool stuff.

The Wonders of Oobleck
Syracuse University undergrads created a fascinating Adventure turning all sorts of starches into strange, gooey colloids, aka Oobleck!

Adventures developed and hosted by Partners

The Ying TRSEF is fortunate to have Partners who love to host their own Adventures. Perhaps you would like to invite them?

Army Strong! Army Tech!
From soldiers’ meals and clothing to the technology they deploy, the U.S. Army shares their world!

Ecology Escapades!
Simple-to-make “bug hotels” and bird feeders, ways to learn about water quality … this team of Syracuse City School District high school students will blow your mind with their passion to save our world!

Electric Learning
The Syracuse chapter of IEEE brings lights, batteries, circuits – all sorts of fascinating fun – and sends our Makers off blinking for the rest of the day!

Exploring Identity
Explore small creatures and your own cells with a video microscope with the nonprofit STEM Stewardship, Inc.

FunFlicks Action Center!
With its 16′ inflatable screen, feed from NASA, games and dancing, Timothy Bennett of FunFlicks.com keeps the Hall hopping!

Green Infrastructure Jeopardy
Onondaga Earth Corps runs their game teaching kids and parents about green infrastructure, and sends each participant home with seeds and a starter kit to grow a plant at home.

Heart Lab
Dewitt Community Library helps you discover how your heart functions. They may even have a heart at the Adventure for real dissection!

Imagine and Make with 3-D Printing!
Syracuse’s SALT Makerspace brings an actual 3-D printer running files and “making stuff”! We will also learn the latest about The Space’s progress, and get the feel of an actual Makerspace.

NASA Solar Ambassador
NASA’s Dr. Damian Allis and his team bring pieces of Mars and the Moon, actual telescopes, and more. Invite CNY Observers and Observing to your Maker Hall!

This Mechanic’s a Girl!
When the Charlton Sewing Center arrives with portable sewing machines, boxes of tools, and The Boss Lady, Makers learn how to take apart and rebuild actual equipment!

Virtual engineering? Let’s go!
Onondaga Community College has created a virtual exploration that let’s YOU discover what a great engineer you are! This year’s focus is Scratch programming.

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