GLOBE at the Ying TRSEF

Second Upstate NY cohort to train this March
through the Ying TRSEF!

Register NOW to lock in your place!

FREE training in Syracuse for GLOBE certification!
March 15/17, 2012 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)
Baltimore Woods, Onondaga Community College
plus a day of field trips!

What is GLOBE? Visit for details, but basically …

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program. GLOBE’s vision promotes and supports students, teachers and scientists to collaborate on inquiry-based investigations of the environment and the Earth system working in close partnership with NASA, NOAA and NSF Earth System Science Projects (ESSP’s) in study and research about the dynamics of Earth’s environment.

GLOBE is the quintessentially ideal program for involving kids in science. Nobel laureate Dr. Leon Lederman.

Why is this a good thing?

  1. Upstate schools will have expanded access to state, national and international resources encouraging kids to learn.
  2. New GLOBE-certified teachers will join an inspiring and engaging support network.
  3. Every year teachers and their students can come to the Ying TRSEF for free meetings, work sessions, parties, media events … whatever you want to strengthen GLOBE involvement and visibility, and district commitment.

GLOBE website LINK
(Teachers often prefer “CLASSIC” – link in upper right corner)

GLOBE Certification Training Registration Form PDF

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